- PO Box 302 Bungendore NSW 2621
- © The District Bulletin 2024
THE FIRST ISSUE of the District Bulletin, then called The Palerang and District Bulletin was delivered to local mailboxes in March 2008.
Taking over the previous Bungendore Bulletin, we made the District Bulletin a regional publication relevant from Canberra to the coast.
As publisher/editor and a local resident, I applied my background in journalism and research along with regional knowledge to reporting news and cultural events. It was important to delve into local, state and occasionally federal politics relevant to our region and to our environment.
We committed to reporting aspects of conservation and biodiversity and climate change politics and policies that were too often hidden, ignored or treated as normal Australian behaviour by bigger media.
My partner with the Bulletin from the start was designer Sue Van Homrigh of Graphic Gesture. She made every issue of the 97 print issues look fantastic and be highly readable. She later transferred those gifts and learned new skills to produce the digital/online Bulletin, making it shine too.
This digital archive stores some of the many stories we covered between 2017 and 2023, local and environmental issues of the time, a capsule history, many issues still ongoing.
This archive retains some relevant reporting from The Conversation, the ABC, The Guardian, and advocacy groups, with acknowledgement.
All other stories and photos copyright The District Bulletin. Republish by request via the contact form on this page.
– Maria Taylor